Basic access to FITS files

In this section we describe the functions used to access FITS files and get general information about their content.

All the code from now on can be used only if the NimCfitsio module is imported with the following command:

import cfitsio

Virtually every function in NimCfitsio requires as its first argument a variable of type FitsFile.


This object contains the following fields:

Name Type Meaning
file InternalFitsStruct (private) Used internally by CFITSIO
fileName string Name of the file

In case of error, all the NimCfitsio functions raise an exception of type EFitsException:


The fields of this object are the following:

Field name Type Meaning
code int CFITSIO error code identifier
message string Descriptive error message
errorStack seq[string] List of all the CFITSIO error messages raised

Opening FITS files for read/write

The CFITSIO library provides several functions to open a file for reading/writing, and NimCfitsio provides a wrapper to each of them. Here is a general overview of their purpose:

Function Purpose
openFile() Open a generic file. Access through FTP and HTTP is allowed
openData() Open a file and move to the first HDU containing some data
openTable() Like openData, but the HDU must contain a table
openImage() Like openData, but the HDU must contain an image

All the prototypes of these functions accept the same parameters and return the same result. Here is a short example that shows how to use them:

import cfitsio

var f = cfitsio.openFile("test.fits", ReadOnly)
    # Read data from "f"

If the underlying CFITSIO function fails when opening the file (e.g, because the file does not exist), a EFitsException will be raised.

enumIoMode= ReadOnly, ReadWrite

This enumeration is used by all the procedures that open an existing FITS file.

procopenFile(fileName : string, ioMode : IoMode)FitsFile

Open the FITS file whose path is fileName. If ioMode is ReadOnly, the file is opened in read-only mode and any modification is forbidden; if ioMode is ReadWrite, then write operations are allowed as well as read operations.

If the file cannot be opened, a EFitsException is raised.

If the underlying CFITSIO library supports them, protocols like ftp:// or http:// can be used for fileName. Compressed files (e.g. .gz) may be supported as well.

You must call closeFile() once the file is no longer needed, in order to close the file and flush any pending write operation.

procopenData(fileName : string, ioMode : IoMode)FitsFile

This function can be used instead of openData() when the user wants to move to the first HDU containing either an image or a table. Its usage is the same as openFile().

procopenTable(fileName : string, ioMode : IoMode)FitsFile

This function is equivalent to openData(), but it moves to the first HDU containing either a binary or ASCII table.

If the file cannot be opened, or it does not contain any table, a EFitsException is raised.

procopenImage(fileName : string, ioMode : IoMode)FitsFile

This function is equivalent to openData(), but it moves to the first HDU containing an image.

If the file cannot be opened, or it does not contain any image, a EFitsException is raised.

Creating files

enumOverwriteMode= Overwrite, DoNotOverwrite
proccreateFile(fileName : string, overwriteMode : OverwriteMode = Overwrite)FitsFile

Create a new file at the path specified by fileName. If a file already exists, the behavior of the function is specified by the overwriteMode parameter: if it is equal to DoNotOverwrite, a EFitsException exception is raised, otherwise the file is silently overwritten.

The return value is a FitsFile object that should be closed using either closeFile() or deleteFile().

Here is an example about how to use this procedure:

import cfitsio

var f = cfitsio.createFile("test.fits")
    # Write data into "f"
proccreateDiskFile*(fileName : string, overwriteMode : OverwriteMode = Overwrite)FitsFile

This function is equivalent to :nim:proc::createFile, but it does not attempt to interpret fileName according to CFITSIO’s extended syntax rules.

Closing files

proccloseFile(fileObj : var FitsFile)

Close the file and flush any pending write operation on it. The variable fileObj can no longer be used after a call to closeFile.

See also deleteFile().

procdeleteFile(fileObj : var FitsFile)

This procedure is similar to closeFile(), but the file is deleted after having been closed. It is mainly useful for testing purposes.